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English Dictionary with Thesaurus (UIQ)

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Kategorie:Lernen / Wörterbücher
12,15 MB
Symbian UIQ
Sprachen:Deutsch, Englisch
0 im April / 41 insgesamt

Bewertung: 2,50/10 (4 Stimmen abgegeben)

English Dictionary with Thesaurus (UIQ)

English explanatory dictionary with extended thesaurus for Sony Ericsson devices,contains 140489 entries.This dictionary is based on WordNet lexical database by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University.

Main features of English SlovoEd software dictionary for Sony Ericsson are:

-Additional sound modules enable listening pronunciations of the words.
-American English as well as British English explanations.
-Extended thesaurus.
-Simple and easy-to-use interface with color marks support.
-Quality dictionary databases specially adapted for Sony Ericsson.
-Great number of word entries.
-Low memory consumption, powerful and fast compression technology that enables high data compression ratio (100,000 words in 600 Kb) with high access rate.
-Full screen and standard modes to show word translation.
-Syntactic information support.
-Support of color marks for dictionary entries.
-The possibility to save certain words on Flash Cards (a special method of learning new foreign words) and then pass through Flash Cards Quiz.
-Search history (last words that you?ve searched before). You can see any word from the history again at any time.
-Availability to install several dictionaries at the same time (for example, German-English and English-Italian).
-The possibility to install dictionaries on memory cards.


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