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CoolPDF is a fast, robust and affordable way to create professional quality PDF documents for both novice and pro. CoolPDF works as a printer driver on all operating systems, making PDF files of anything that can normally be printed. CoolPDF is a very cost-effective solution for turning just about anything into a PDF. And the coolest thing about it is that it generates PDF documents extremely fast and works with almost all languages worldwide. More…


All-in-one Büro-Software für kl. Dienstleister & Ich-AGs, bestens geeignet auch für Computer-Amateure: Kundenstammdaten, Dienstleistungen & Waren, Projekte und Kassenbuch spielend leicht verwalten. Dokumente von Kostenkalkulation über Angebot bis hin zu Rechnung und Mahnung schnell und optisch gefällig auf Knopfdruck nach Dokumentenvorlagen erstellen lassen. eMails senden, empfangen + Kunden & Projekten zuordnen. Netzwerkfähig: Arbeit im Team. More…


QSearchFolders creates Search Folders and manage existing search folders in all versions of MS Outlook and in each place in your Outlook folder list. It makes the automatic scanning of Outlook folder such as email and contacts, tasks, calendars possible. Search Folders are a way to gather email messages and other Microsoft Outlook items into folders based on your search criteria independently of where they are put down. More…

StatTrak Address Manager

Address Manager is a simple, easy to use address management program. Perfect for sending your holiday cards or other correspondence. Easily add names, addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays. Select your label or envelope size and your addresses are automatically aligned and ready to print. Create reports of any info you've entered. Great for printing your own Address Book, Church Directory, or Phone Listing for a handy reference. More…


Type more accurately and much faster with this OS-level real time spell check and speed typing software. It can learn and adapt itself to your keyboard habits, spell check and automatically correct spelling mistakes as you type, automate difficult and repetitive typing tasks, and apply several other innovative solutions to prevent you from making unwanted typos and save you lots of time, giving you accurate and fast typing in all applications. More…

.Office-Word-Vorlagen mit Outlookanbindg

Das Vorlagensystem übernimmt Outlook-Kontaktdaten in Word-Dokumente. Beliebig gestaltbare Dokumentvorlagen z.B. Brief-Vorlagen nach DIN 5008 sind möglich bei Nutzung eines oder mehrerer Outlook-Kontaktordner auch ohne MS Exchange Server sind ggf. als Adressbasis möglich. Weitere nützliche Details z.B. Wiedervorlagefunktion oder Übernahme der Faxnummer durch FRITZ!fax, vorlagenabhängige Hilfe Testversion zur Vollversion freischaltbar! More…