Kategorie Sicherheit & Datenschutz / Sonstige
Auto Clear Cookies
Version: | Shareware (29,95 USD)

Auto Clear Cookies, a powerful cookies cleaner, enables you to wipe cookies from a single website or domain name, or purge all browser cookies from Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. It also allows you to un-ban yourself on many websites and reset your website status with a given domain. By safely wiping unwanted cookies from your PC, Auto Clear Cookies provides a powerful level of protection guarding your online privacy. Mehr…
Auto Clear History
Version: | Shareware (29,95 USD)

Auto Clear History is an effective computer evidence and web history cleaning tool. It could quickly clean all history of your web browsing and computer use. It can wipe activity history of dozens of programs such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Yahoo, MSN, etc. It could also empty your recycle bin, clear your clipboard or copy and paste feature, clean your history of run programs, recently opened files, and much more. Mehr…
Version: 2501 | Freeware

The primary function of this utility is to put the utmost importance on the privacy and performance of your computer. Our software deletes temporary files, caches, cookies, Internet history, and more, thus freeing up valuable disk space. Deleting unnecessary files can be especially great for those running their systems on smaller SSDs. As a result of the software, you'll receive maximum confidentiality, so prying eyes won't be able t ... Mehr…
Secret Disk
Version: 305 | Freeware
Our application creates a special disk on your computer which can be completely hidden. You don't have to re-format your existing disks or make any changes to your current configuration. A secret disk will appear and disappear with one click. A secret disk is a special kind of disk and access to it can be protected with a password. It's a very good place to store your sensitive files and folders - a disk that appears and disappears i ... Mehr…
PDF Password Unlocker for Mac
Version: 3.1.43 | Shareware (29,95 EUR)
PDF Password Unlocker für Mac wiederherstellt verlorene Passwörter für PDF-Dateien. Es schaltet sowohl das User- als auch das Besitzer-Passwort für PDF-Dateien frei. Dadurch können Sie ein passwortgeschütztes PDF öffnen und es ändern. Ist Ihre PDF-Datei nur mit dem Besitzerpasswort geschützt, lässt sich die Option "Entschlüsseln" verwenden. Dabei wird es eine ungeschützte Kopie der PDF-Datei sogar ohne Suche nach dem Passwort erstellt. Mehr…
Version: 23.60.1 | Freeware
Dieses Tool ermöglicht die Erstellung von selbstsignierten Testzertifikaten (X.509 v3), wodurch Ihnen der umständliche und kostspielige Weg zu einer CA (Zertifikatsaussteller) erspart bleibt. Mehr…
Outlook Express Password Recovery
Version: 1.0c | Shareware (29,95 EUR)
Outlook Express Password Recovery is a program to recover the server name, login and lost password for e-mail accounts and Outlook Express Identities. All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. All versions of Outlook Express are supported. Mehr…
Hide Windows Free
Version: 4.4 | Shareware
Hide Windows Free is an all-in-one boss key tool that will instantly cover your current activity using a single key or mouse shortcut.
There is always someone too curious around that would like to catch a glimpse of the information displayed on your screen.Hide Windows Free is the application that will save you instantly in such an inconvenient situation. It will not close or minimize the windows, but completely hide them from your screen. Mehr…
Version: 2 | Freeware (79,00 EUR)
Powerful software that allows the user to get totally anonymous and at the same time protects the data exchange on the Internet.The software provides a direct encrypted link with one of the world wide SecurStar high bandwidth security proxy servers. What makes impossible any kind of IP identification. If someone tries to get you real IP number, it will only recognize Securstar server's IP number, never your's real IP number. Mehr…
Index.dat Analyzer
Version: 2.5 | Freeware
Index.dat files are hidden files on your computer that contain all tracks of your online activity, where have you been on internet, what sites you visited, list of URL-s, files and documents you recently accessed. Index.dat files stored on your computer are obviously a potential privacy threat as they can be found and viewed without your knowledge. Index.dat Analyzer is free tool to view and delete contents of hidden index.dat files. Mehr…
Version: 1.1 | Freeware
A lot of different information about a user's activity is kept within the personal computer. Usually the user does not know about its existence. TotalRecall is a free forensic analysis tools to reconstruct Internet Explorer and user's activity. TotalRecall investigates: MS IE activity, MS IE history, MS IE cookie, MS IE favorites and some user's activity (recent files and folders, not erased temporary files). Mehr…
Paranoid File Shredder
Version: 0.2 | Freeware
Paranoid File Shredder löscht unwiderruflich Dateien auf Computern im Netzwerk. Sie können den Löschvorgang durch Hotkeys, durch den Start eines speziellen Programms oder durch den Erhalt einer Netzwerkbenachrichtigung starten. So können Sie, ohne vor Ihrem Computer zu sitzen, die Löschung vertraulicher Daten starten. Mehr…