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Kategorie Büro / Mathematik- & Wissenschaft - Explorer

SMS-X10-PC-Fernsteuerung, Sensor-Aktor-Netzwerk und GPS-Logger, S0-Zaehler-Fernabfrage, Schallpegelaufzeichnung ueber Soundkarte, GSM-Datenlogger, xls-Export, integrier WebServer, Status-eMail, bei freigeschalteten Mobilfunkgeraeten: Start von Programmen per SMS, Status-SMS nach Anruf (Sprachausgabe bei vielen Telefongesellschaften), Abruf der Messwerte per SMS, Ausgabe fuer WebCam, I/O-Support fuer Intronico-Karten Mehr…

3D Grapher

3D Grapher is a feature-rich yet easy-to-use graph plotting and data visualization software suitable for students, engineers and everybody who needs to work with 2D and 3D graphs. With 3D Grapher you can easily plot the equation and table-based graphs, zoom them, rotate, view at any angle and even animate. You can draw the unlimited number of graphs in one coordinate system to visualize and analyze the domains of functions and their intercepts. Mehr…

Eye4Software Hydromagic

Hydrographic Survey Software for Windows, Load topographic or nautical maps, create singlebeam soundings, generate DTM's (Digital Terrain Models), generate depth contours, generate cross-sections, volume calculations and more. The software can be used with various map formats including: GeoTIFF, Microstation DGN, ARC/INFO, MapInfo MIF/MID, AutoCad DXF files, IHO S57/S63 Electronic Natutical Charts and ESRI shapefiles. Mehr…


- Real-time weather data from 7000 stations all around the world. - Diagramms for weather data. - History of weather data for the past 1 - 60 hours. - USA or European style. - Data output ( txt-file) for every opened station. - Frendly user interface. Mehr…

ESTARD Data Miner

Estard Data Miner is a comprehensive data mining software, able to unearth hidden relations in data. The newest data mining techniques, built in wizards, intuitive interface and rich functionality make this data mining software a powerful analytical solution. The software can be used in business including: insurance industry, banking, finances. EDM performs statistical analysis, reveals all "If-Then" rules and decision trees for predictioning. Mehr…