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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Puzzle & Denkspiele

Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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The goal of 2 Mushrooms is to find all mushrooms with maximum points. You points are decriased after any click on not discovered field. The game field is divided into cells. A cell can contain more than one mushroom and you find only one mushroom by clicking on such cell, so you have to click on cell to find next mushroom in the same cell. You can choose number of mushrooms on the field. You can select any cell by clicking on left mouse button. Mehr…


SUPER Lines is an modern 3D remake of the famous Lines game. In the Lines game you have to rule a balls, you form in lines for disappearance. The rules of SUPER Lines are almost the same, but now you may play different types and all in full 3D! The stunning special effects are strengthened by 3D sound! New game engine, effects, graphics and sound and different types of game all made in full 3D bring the old game to an entirely new level. Mehr…


Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The goal of game is to get as much points as you can by removing stones from game field. You would click on groups of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated stones. If you click on such a group, the group vanishes and the stones on top of them fall down. There are new lines appeare, every some seconds. If any stone touch top of field, than game over. Mehr…


The goal of FindSame is to earn as many points as you can by removing paires of the similar tiles from the board. For earning points you need to select one tile and after that to select tile with similar picture. This pair will desappeare and you will earn some points. On game board will appeare new tiles. The game will be over, when all game cells on the board will be filled by tiles. Speed of appearence of tiles grows during the game. Mehr…

Crazy Gyro

Crazy Gyro ist eine Sammlung von Raetsel, die eines gemeinsam haben. Eine bestimmte Ordung soll durch Drehen von Scheiben oder Verschieben von Kugeln im Kreis wieder hergestellt werden.Das Spiel wird im Wettlauf gegen die Zeit oder einfach nur zum Spass gespielt. Echtfarbgrafik, Klangeffekte, Animationen und mehrerer Schwierigkeitsgrade machen die Puzzles immer wieder zu einer Herausforderung fuer Jung und Alt. Mehr…


Neun ist ein Schiebepuzzle, welches aus zehn Felder besteht. Auf neun der Felder befindet sich jeweils eine farbige Kugel. Die Aufgabe des Spieles besteht darin die Kugeln so zu sortieren das sie mit der Randfarbe des Feldes übereinstimmen. Die schnellsten Spieler können sich in eine Bestenliste eintragen. In der Sharewareversion stehen jeweils nur sechs der achtzehn Figuren zur Verfügung, welche beim Start durch Zufall ermittelt werden. Mehr…