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How To Unlock My PDF File

Have you come here looking for information on how to unlock PDF files? Then you are at the right place and you can find an unlock PDF Online free tool to Unlock PDF Owner Password Online PDF document limitation removal tool is powerful yet simple utility which enables you to unlock PDF Online free tool. This can be handy if you have forgotten the password on your PDF file and need to get rid of how to unlock PDF files? Mehr…

Pravis Citations

Pravis Citations is a Microsoft Word Addin that provides you with a one-click, direct access to the case law of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), in English and French, and in the exact format used by the Court. Type keywords in the search box and find the exact reference you are looking for. Insert in one click the reference into your word document or visualize, browse and keep it for later reference during your day of work. Try it for free! Mehr…

Angel Writer

Angel Writer is a free text editor (free Microsoft Word) allowing you to create impressive documents that contain formatted text, graphics and tables. You can learn how to work with Angel Writer in five minutes since it is very similar to Microsoft Word. A comfortable interface, small size and high performance rate - that is the text editor Angel Writer. Besides, Angel Writer has rich features for editing text and creating documents. Mehr…

Quick Notice

Quick Notice ist ein einfach zu bedienender und vielfältig zu konfigurierender Notizblock fürs Büro und für zu Hause. Mehr…

[F1] - Textator

Text, Brief, Angebot, Referat, Vortrag, Presseartikel ? Haus-, Seminar-, Examensarbeit, Veröffentlichung ... [F1] - arbeitet im readandwrite-Modus [F1] - verwaltet Ihre Quellendatenbank [F1] - hält Ihre Notizen und Ideen fest [F1] - erzeugt die Fußnoten [F1] - legt das Literaturverzeichnis an Natürlich müssen Sie Ihren Text selbst schreiben und gestalten. Aber das können Sie! Denn die Textbearbeitung erfolgt in Word Mehr…


Latex-Editor mit (fast) WYSIWYG
-Übersetzen auf Knopfdruck
-automatische Gliederung mit Navigation
-Links, Bilder, etc auf Knopfdruck Mehr…