Kategorie Entwicklung / Komponenten & Bibliotheken
CryptoSharp Security Library
Version: 1.3 | Demo (395,95 USD)

Speed up .NET development and create secure and trouble-free code. CryptoSharp Security Library provides complete data security throughout your .NET applications. Encrypt, store, and erase data securely. Saves time on development and debugging, and creates fast, secure and reliable code. Cryptographic and compression algorithms, secure hash functions and cryptographically strong random number generators are included. Mehr…
Bar Code Generator for .NET/ASP.NET TBarCode
Version: 11.10.2 | Demo (84,00 EUR)

TBarCode .NET ist ein ausgereifte .NET Barcode-Komponente. Die Barcode Software TBarCode beinhaltet eine Barcode Klasse, ein WinForm und ein ASP.NET 2.0 WebForm Control. Jede Art von .NET Anwendung wird unterstützt. Generieren Sie mehr als 100 lineare und 2D Bar-Codes (EAN, UPC, 2of5, Code128, Code39, EAN128, GS1-128, PDF417, MicroPDF, DataMatrix, Semacode, QR-Code, ...) mit diesem .NET Barcode-Generator. Mehr…
Virtual Serial Port Driver Mobile
Version: 4 | Shareware (39,95 EUR)

Virtual Serial Ports Driver Mobile kann bis zu 20 rein virtuellen Ports im mobilen System erstellen, die 10 virtuelle Paare sind für die Integration vorhanden. Die 2 Ports sind miteinander über virtuelles Nullmodem-Kabel verbunden und emulieren reale serielle Ports. Das Paar von virtuellen seriellen Ports kann für die Datenübertragung benutzt werden. Die Lösung kann in der Software für die GPS-Simulation angewandt werden. Mehr…
Polar Crypto Component
Version: 2.5 | Shareware (239,00 USD)

Polar Crypto Component gives your Windows applications the functionality of unbreakable encryption. It enables you to build your own security systems instantly, or to easily integrate it into your existing systems, enhancing their security and performance. Polar Crypto is an ActiveX and DLL component featuring the latest encryption technology and including full source code written in MS Visual C++. Mehr…
ZipForge.NET for Compact Framework
Version: 1 | Shareware (249,00 EUR)

Fast ZIP compression for .NET Compact Framework 1.0 and 2.0. Create ZIP archives,
add files and directories, update archive, extract files to disk or stream.
Features: transaction system, progress indication, Unicode filenames, full source
code is available. PocketPC, Windows CE and Smartphone platforms are supported. Mehr…
Version: 6.3 | Shareware (75,00 EUR)

FlexCompress is a high-speed compression library for Delphi and C++ Builder developed to provide archive and backup functionality for your applications. No DLLs, strong encryption, SFX, splitting and multiple disk spanning support Mehr…
Virtual Serial Port Driver
Version: 11 | Shareware (139,95 USD)

Virtual Serial Port Driver erlaubt ihnen das Trennen und Verbinden von COM Ports, das Umlenken von Serial Data zu physikalischen oder virtuellen COM Ports auf beiden Seiten des erstellten, komplexen Pakets. Erstellen Sie Pakete mit unendlich vielen physischen und virtuellen Ports. Erstellen Sie eine Loopback-Verbindung, um den Betrieb der seriellen Schnittstelle zu testen. Sie können COM Ports verbinden und einen Port Umschalten, um Kommunikation mit jeder Applikation zu ermöglichen. Mehr…
Version: 1.90.1177 | Demo (395,00 USD)

TurboFTP SDK is a powerful ActiveX/.Net-ready component and offers a full set of FTP client functionalities. Supports FTPS over SSL/TLS and SFTP. Supports blocking and non-blocking modes for calling methods. Supports on-the-fly data compression using MODE Z and firewalls. It comes with a built-in interface that provides a set of methods to decompress archives in multiple formats. Fully tested samples for major programming languages are included. Mehr…
Instrumentation Widgets for PDA
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (266,00 USD)

Instrumentation Widgets for PDA is designed for creating Graphical User Interfaces for Pocket PC applications. The product includes a library of high-resolution gauges such as sliders, dials, thermometers, switches, buttons etc. These components allow emulating various hardware devices. The product is fully compatible with the .NET Compact Framework 1.1/2.0. All components are written in C# and contain only managed code. Mehr…
SharpShooter Collection
Version: 7.3.1 | Shareware (975,00 EUR)

SharpShooter Collection contains data analysis, visualization, and processing components for .NET Framework. The package includes OLAP and reporting tools, the use-proven BI components intended for intelligent data handling and presentation; gauges component, a tool for digital dashboards and KPI creation; and chart component, a component for charts and graphs design. All components are written in C# and contain managed code. Mehr…
Active Query Builder Free Edition
Version: 1.13 | Freeware

Whenever you need a free and easy component to build complex SQL visually, Active Query Builder is the best solution for application. Active Query Builder, a two-way query builder combine visual query building with direct SQL query editing, is a perfect choice for both SQL beginners and experienced query writers. Active Query Builder is available in Delphi VCL, ActiveX and Windows.Forms .NET editions and it is absolutely free! Mehr…
FlashPlayerControl .NET
Version: 2 | Demo

FlashPlayerControl is a .NET component that enhances Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX features. It does not use its own engine to display movies, but instead provides a wrapper around official swflash.ocx/flash.ocx code. Loads movies directly from memory. Protects movies. Creates Flash-enabled applications which are ready to work even if the Flash Player ActiveX is not installed! Transparency is fully supported! Flash 8 External API is supported. Mehr…