Kategorie Netzwerk & Internet / Browser Tools
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
Expired Cookies Cleaner
Version: 1.03 | Freeware
Expired Cookies Cleaner is a freeware utility for removing unused cookies from your computer. It will clean cookie files that will be never used. Internet Explorer stores all cookies in different files and never deletes them even they have expired life time. This tool helps you to save your disk space and speed up your computer by removing unused files.
Use this utility several times a month to keep your file system clean from useless files. Mehr…
1st TurboRun Internet
Version: 1.0 | Freeware
Too many favorites? Not a problem anymore! You don't have to launch your browser and look through endless Favorites menu just to visit your favorite web site. Just type a few letters of the desired web site title and then press Enter to open it. This program narrows down the list of matching favorites as you type. Also, you can find all recently saved favorites in seconds, even if you forgot their names! Mehr…
ActiveURLs Check&Get - Web-Monitor, Bookmark Manager and Web-Page Archiver
Version: | Shareware (39,95 USD)
Professioneller Bookmark Manager, Web-Monitor und Offline Browser. Überprüft Websites auf Änderungen, erkennt unterbrochene und doppelte Links. Import, Export und Synchronisation mit dem Browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera). Speichert automatisch ein Vorschaubild der Webseite und sie können ihre Lieblingswebseiten offline betrachten. Konvertiert die Lesezeichen in eine HTML-Datei. Ein unentbehrliches Tool für jede Web-Recherche. Mehr…
ArchiCrypt Stealth
Version: 4.23.1 | Demo (25,00 EUR)
ArchiCrypt Stealth macht Schluss mit der Bespitzelung. Surfen Sie anonym und legen Sie selbst fest, welche Daten Ihr Browser sendet. Wechselt die Identität auf Wunsch im Sekundentakt, blockiert Cookies, Spy-, Adware, Dialer und andere Schadprogramme, filtert und ändert beliebige Inhalte durch frei definierbare Webfilter (Scriptkiller, Popup Stopper u.v.a.m). Mehr…
Version: 3.0.41 | Freeware
Ecosia ist eine Suchmaschine, die 80% der Einnahmen an ein Aufforstungsprojekt in Brasilien spendet. Indem du mit Ecosia suchst, kannst du kostenlos der Umwelt helfen! Verwende zum Shoppen die Suche mit Ecosia, um das Plant A Billion Trees-Programm von The Nature Conservancy zu unterstützen und hilf uns dabei, den kostbaren Atlantischen Regenwald in Brasilien aufzuforsten und zu schützen. Mehr…
Surf Anonymous Free
Version: | Freeware
Surf Anonymous Free, the ultimate free online protection software, is designed to make your real IP address and location inaccessible, thus anonymize your web surfing, guard your security against identity theft and other crimes, and unban yourself from forums or blogs. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily install and run it. It is compatible with Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Maxthon, etc. and all types of Internet platforms. Mehr…
The Gadgetbar Toolbar for Internet Explorer
Version: | Freeware
The Gadgetbar Toolbar helps protect your computer with powerful anti-virus & internet security scans, tune ups, PC fixes, firewall attack tracking, email protection and more. It doesn't spy on browsing habits or launch pop-up or pop-under advertisements, it doesn't hijack searches or modify pages you visit, it doesn't block uninstallation or create security holes & it will not make it easier for other people or programs to access your computer. Mehr…
HTML Quick Edit Bar
Version: 1.3 | Freeware
HTML Quick Edit Bar is a freeware toolbar for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows
you to edit the current HTML page within the browser itself (change the font color, size
and face, text alignment, etc.). Once edited, HTML Quick Edit Bar allows you to upload the
modified page to your web site via FTP. Another feature allows you to examine and
manipulate the HTML tree of the current document. Mehr…
Smart Hide IP
Version: | Shareware (29,95 USD)
Smart Hide IP, a state-of-the-art IP Hider, is dedicated to protecting your online security and privacy. By global proxy servers provided, your online identity can be covered with a simple click of a button. Primary benefits include keeping hackers off, preventing identity theft, blocking ISP eavesdropping, sending anonymous E-mails, etc. It is 100% safe to use and compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 and Server editions, 32 and 64 bit. Mehr…
Version: 3.60 | Freeware
Haven't you ever met with http:// or ftp:// links with unknown file size. Sometimes, file size is determined incorrectly. But now it is a not problem with InternetFileSize. You can easily determine file size, type and modification date in the internet. Moreover, if your base http or ftp link is "encoded" (such as http://www.server.com/downloadfile?id=34532), Internet File Size shows real file http or ftp path. Mehr…
The Gadgetbar Toolbar for Firefox
Version: | Freeware
The Gadgetbar Toolbar helps protect your computer with powerful anti-virus & internet security scans, tune ups, PC fixes, firewall attack tracking, email protection and more. It doesn't spy on browsing habits or launch pop-up or pop-under advertisements, it doesn't hijack searches or modify pages you visit, it doesn't block uninstallation or create security holes & it will not make it easier for other people or programs to access your computer. Mehr…
IE Security Pro
Version: | Shareware (20,00 USD)
Internet Explorer Security is an utility that customizes many aspects of the Internet Explorer Web browser. It's a snap to use and provides the tools you need to retain and manage your Web browser settings. It lets you disable individual menu items and prevent others from editing your Favorites. It also allows you to disable individual tabs in the Internet Options dialog, as well as specific settings from each tab. Mehr…